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Lock-Up Garages / Storage Units
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Google satellite map of Stalybridge garages - zoomed in

Lock-up Garages / Storage Units in Stalybridge

We have 20 lock-up garages/storage units conveniently located on the outskirts of Stalybridge. As with our units at our Timperley, garages at our Stalybridge site are secured by 2 metre high wrought-iron gates.

In addition, our garages at Stalybridge are surrounded on all sides by a number of private houses and, because of this and the fact that the whole site is gated, it provides a high degree of security.

Stalybridge garages

Sizes and Capacity

With regards to the sizes of our garages at Stalybridge, normally garages are 16 feet (5 metres) by 8 feet (2½ metres). In comparison, the vast majority (12) of the garages we have on our Stalybridge site are quite a lot bigger, having internal dimensions of 18 feet (5½ metres) by 9 feet (2¾ metres). This makes them more than large enough for most modern cars; whilst as storage units, they provide over 160 square feet / 1,050 cubic feet (15 square metres / 30 cubic metres) of very useable space. In addition, we also have 3 larger garages which are 18 feet by 10½ feet (5 metres by 3¼ metres), along with 5 garages which are 16 feet (5 metres) by 9 feet (2¾ metres).

Whether you're planning on using your garage for a car or just for storage, the price we charge for these garages represents very good value, in our opinion.
